While I’m generally writing up my doctoral thesis and have therefore put a total halt on giving conference papers, I’m nevertheless very excited to be making a one off exception for The 13th International Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas at the University of Cyprus, Nicosia from July 2-6. My paper will be part of the ‘Phenomenology towards the Crisis: Philosophy, Science, and the Call for a New Epoch.’ workshop, chaired by Tziovanis Georgakis and my good friend Christos Hadjioannou.
My paper is entitled ‘Geometry and the Bed of Non-meaning: Nicolas Abraham’s Science of Sciences’, in which I’ll be attempting a project that perhaps verges on madness – bringing together Abraham’s reflections on the anasemic nature of psychoanalytic language with the Husserlian account of geometry. For a long time this has struck me as one of the most important yet distant targets to grasp for a general project of an account of the dynamics of the material trace. Whether it can be done, and done convincingly, remains to be seen.